Clinical trials & quality

It may seem cliché when a company rattles off "Made in the USA" and all of their GMP measures. So let me explain our commitment in detail.

Made in the USA

Many companies will literally buy racemic ketone salts from China, place them in a tub in the USA, and label it "Made in the USA" or some will use the "with foreign and domestic ingredients", which usually means 99% of the product is from China, and maybe they throw in 1 thing from the USA. I don't know how a customer is able to decipher.

Our ketone ester is actually manufactured, as in actually made in the USA. We own our own dedicated equipment that is just used to make ketone ester. The facility is cGMP. The ketone ester undergoes multiple 3rd party testing to ensure each batch is of the highest quality. 

Each batch of KE4, Ketone Shot and SnakeWater are 3rd party batch tested for WADA anti-doping compliance. Certificate is available upon request.

KetoneAid Ketone (mono)ester

Chosen for several Clinical Trials

Our product KE4 has been chosen for multiple clinical trials. The first published paper focused on soccer wind-sprints, but by our added recommendation, they tested the brain. Thank goodness, because they found an amazing discovery. (see paper).

increased muscle recovery

Helps the athletes' muscles recover and replenish energy more efficiently while they rest overnight.

2023, Duke U. Med. Center

Mentally Sharper Sprinters

Intermittent running & cognitive performance after Ketone (Mono)Ester Ingestion.

2018, EVANS; Egan

Improves Sleep Efficiency

Improves sleepe fficiency and counteracts the decline in REM sleep after strenuous exercise.


Boosts Dopamine and alertness

Increases circulating dopamine & maintains mental alertness in ultra-endurance exercise.

2023, Poffé; HESPEL; ROBBERECHTS; etc.

Human Responses to Ketone (Mono)Ester

Generally well-tolerated and acceptable to human participants, with manageable side effects.

2023, Plaisance

Better Post-COVID Heart Function

Improvement in myocardial contractility in post-hospitalized COVID-19 patients.


blood pressure & fluid regulation

Helps regulate blood pressure and fluid balance during exercise

2022,  Robberechts; Poffé

Post-covid Heart Recovery

Improved cardiac function and aiding recovery in post-hospitalized COVID-19 patients.

2022, Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen

Other clinical trials using the same exact ketone (mono)ester molecule from various manufacturers

4% Better Running Economy

Ingestion without carbohydrates improves running economy in male endurance runners.

2023, Egan

Suppresses Appetite

Lowers human ghrelin & appetite. Can be helpful when fasting, for energy and for achieving ketosis.

2017, de Wet

increases oxygenation

Increases blood and muscle oxygenation but not performance during exercise in hypoxia.

2023, Hespel

Increases EPO

Elevates circulating erythropoietin and stimulates muscular angiogenesis during endurance training overload.

2023, Hespel

increases EPO

EPO increases when given large Ketone (Mono)Ester doses over time, similar to altitude training.

2023, Gonzalez

15% increased power output

Taken post workout and before bed during a simulated 3 week Tour De France race, the final time trail was 15% faster.

2019, Poffé

reduces training stress/overload

Prevent the development of non-functional overreaching and to stimulate endurance exercise performance.

2022, Hespel

Improves Cognition after Mental Fatigue

Helped maintain faster reaction times even as the exercise was repeated at high intensity.

2022, Lemon

More clinical trials using KetoneAid Ketone (Mono)Ester can be found at 
(about half of all trials).

Seeking Principal Researchers for more Clinical Trials

Several clinical trials are at various stages, and supplied by KetoneAid.
While our website may focus on sports, KetoneAid is very interested in collaborating with Principal Investigators to further test the boundaries of our Ketone Monoester. Please contact us.

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